Det er mindst lige så sjovt, og det giver rig mulighed for at skåle i kolde øl eller øve sig i at få stokken til at glide helt perfekt ned ad banen.
Hvad er isstok?Isstok minder om curling. Det gælder om at få en isstok til at glide mod en målskive på isen, der består af flere cirkler. Strategien er at få stokken til at ligge i de cirkler, der giver flest point. Jo tættere på midten, jo flere point får du.
Hvordan foregår turneringen? Vi dyster i hold på 4 personer. Når du tilmelder dig, er der derfor tale om en holdbillet - én billet pr. hold (ikke én billet pr. deltager). Turneringen starter kl. 11 og slutter omkring kl. 15
Vores gamemaster guider dig igennem hele arrangementet og sørger for den gode stemning.
Datoer - Lørdag den 4. Januar (UDSOLGT)
- Lørdag den 18. Januar
ENICE STOCK TOURNAMENT AT SKØJTEØENJoin us for our first Ice Stock tournament at Skøjteøen! Ice stock is a form of curling - just without the brooms. It's just as fun, and it gives you plenty of opportunities to toast with cold beers or practice sliding the stick perfectly down the rink.
What is ice stock? Ice stock is similar to curling. The goal is to slide an ice stick towards a target on the ice, made up of several concentric circles. The strategy is to get the stick to land in the circles that give you the most points. The closer to the center, the more points you score.
How does the tournament work?We compete in teams of 4 players. When you sign up, it's for a team ticket - one ticket per team (not one ticket per player). The tournament will start at 11 and ends around 15. Our gamemaster will guide you through the entire event and ensures the good vibes.
Dates - Saturday, January 4th (SOLD OUT)
- Saturday, January 18th