Arkiv: Overstået event
Talk: Barbara Moleko x Stem Sindet
Lør. 12. aug. 2023 kl. 17:00
Explore the theme of ADHD in the life of a musician, when we invite to a talk at Kultur Caféen between Barbara Moleko and Simon Gents from Stem Sindet. The talk is free of charge and will take place at Kultur Caféen on August 12th as part of Frigjort Fest. Arrangeret af Musikloppen.

BARBARA MOLEKO is a Danish singer and songwriter who has graced the Danish music scene for the past 10 years. She rose to fame in 2012 with the album 'Lykken er...' featuring the hit single "Dum For Dig". In 2015 the lead single from her second album "Gør mig lykkelig" was the most played song on P3 and P4. Moleko recently released a new single and is set to play shows in 2024. SIMON GENTS is a psychologist and former musician with multiple projects such as Red Moon Ritual, The Awesome Welles and more. Through his work for Stem Sindet he has been releasing a number podcasts series focusing on mental wellbeing in the music industry, and we're thrilled to have him back at Frigjort Festival. Here Gents elaborate [in Danish] on the talk happening at Kultur Caféen on August 12th for Frigjort Festival 2023: "Arbejdslivet som musiker indebærer blandt andet udflydende grænser, skæve arbejdstider, manglende strukturer og rutiner samt krav om at evne planlægning og forvaltning af dig selv og din egen tid. Lige netop disse forhold og krav kan generelt være udfordrende, og særligt hvis man som musiker har ADHD inde på livet. I samtalen mellem Barbara Moleko og Simon Gents fra Stem Sindet undersøges temaet ADHD i livet som musiker. Samtalen veksler mellem faglige perspektiver, erfaringsdeling samt bud på hvordan udfordringer kan mødes og styrker understøttes. Glæd dig til en samtale som forhåbentlig kan sætte farver og nuancer på forståelsen af, hvordan et liv med musik og ADHD kan opleves.".
Fri entré
Kultur Caféen, Sydområdet 4E, København K

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